Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Blog 8: Semester Finals and Stress Management Review

I agree with the blog: "Semester Finals and Stress Management",  written by Luis Ruelas. As college students, the amount of stress towards the last week of class is high. Many try to achieve many long hours of studying and cramming before the test date arrives. Some suggestions listed on the article such as taking breaks and having a place open later than 10 p.m., would benefit many having late night reviews. Including parents, those that work full-time and students that only study later during the day due to other circumstances in their life. I can personally relate to this article. There has been times during this semester that I think I only slept 3 or 4 hours before a test because of late night studying. The body feels drained the next day, that by the time the test is over you tend to crash or feel very low energy for other activities. Improving awareness and teaching students new ways to cope with this amount stress would be of great help!

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